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DRHBc Mass table Collaboration
成员单位/Collaboration Members
发布时间:2020-07-13 点击次数:

The DRHBc Mass Table Collaboration is a collaboration of Universities and Institutions from China and South Korea. The current institution members are given in the following. New Universities and Institutions may join the DRHBc Mass Table Collaboration with the approval from the Collaboration Board.

1. Anhui University(安徽大学)

2. Beihang University (北京航空航天大学)

3. Huzhou University (湖州师范学院)

4. Institute for Basic Science (韩国基础科学研究所)

5. Institute of Modern Physics, CAS (中国科学院近代物理研究所)

6. Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS (中国科学院理论物理研究所)

7. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (韩国科学技术信息研究所)

8. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (南京航空航天大学)

9. Peking University (北京大学)

10. Pusan National University (釜山大学)

11. Sichuan Normal University (四川师范大学)

12. Soongsil University (崇实大学)

13. Southwest University  (西南大学)

14. Sungkyunkwan University (成均馆大学)

15. The University of Hong Kong (香港大学)

16. Zhengzhou University (郑州大学)
