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1.Zichen Yang ,Yang Fu,Jing Yang,Chuang Hu,and Jiasen Zhang.“Spin-encoded subwavelength all-optical logic gates based on single-element optical slot nanoantennas”, Nanoscale 10, 1039 (2018). (more)

2.Yinxing Ding, Xiaokang Song, Ping Jiang, Rongzhen Jiao, Lulu Wang, Li Yu, and Jiasen Zhang. ”Directional Optical Travelling Wave Antenna Based on Surface Plasmon Transmission Line”,Laser & Photonics Reviews 10,1002(2018). (more)


1.Yang Liu, Jiasen Zhang,Huaping Liu ,Sheng Wang and Lian-Mao Peng. ”Electrically driven monolithic subwavelength plasmonic interconnect circuits”,Sci Adv 3(10), 1126 (2017).(more)


1. Qiuling Wen, Xu Han, Chuang Hu, and Jiasen Zhang, “Non-spectroscopic surface plasmon sensor with a tunable sensitivity”, Appled Physics Letters 106, 031113 (2015).(more)


1. Guangyuan Li and Jiasen Zhang. "Ultra-broadband and efficient surface plasmon polariton launching through metallic nanoslits of subwavelength period", Sci. Rep. 4, 5914 (2014). (more)

2. Chenglong Zhao, Yongmin Liu, Jing Yang, and Jiasen Zhang, Single-molecule Detection and Radiation Control in Solutions at High Concentrations via a Heterogeneous Optical Slot Antenna, Nanoscale 6, 9103-9109 (2014). (more)

3. Jing Yang, Shuxiang Zhou, Chuang Hu, Weiwei Zhang, Xiao Xiao, and Jiasen Zhang, “Broadband spin-controlled surface plasmon polariton launching and radiation via L-shaped optical slot nanoantennas”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 8, 590-595 (2014). (more)

4. Jing Yang, Xiao Xiao, Chuang Hu, Weiwei Zhang, Shuxiang Zhou, and Jiasen Zhang, “Broadband surface plasmon polariton directional coupling via asymmetric optical slot nanoantenna pair”, Nano Letters 14(2), 704-709 (2014). (more)

5. Wang J, Hu C, Zhang J. Multifunctional and multi-output plasmonic meta-elements for integrated optical circuits[J]. Optics express, 22(19): 22753-22762 (2014). (more)

6. Chenglong Zhao, Jiasen Zhang, and Yongmin Liu, “Light manipulation with encoded plasmonic nanostructures”, EPJ Applied Metamaterials 1, 6 (2014). (more)


1. Jing Yang and Jiasen Zhang, “Nano-polarization-converter based on magnetic plasmon resonance excitation in an L-shaped slot antenna”, Opt. Express 21(7), 7934-7942 (2013).

2. Yi Qin, Yan Li, Jinli Ren, Qiuling Wen, Jiasen Zhang, Yun-Feng Xiao, Hong Yang and Qihuang Gong, “Spin separations of light at the air–glass interface for femtosecond laser pulses”, J. Opt. 15(1), 014006 (2013).

3. Wei Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Yu Zhang, Ziang Xie and Guogang Qin, “Optical absorption enhancement in submicrometre crystalline silicon films with nanotexturing arrays for solar photovoltaic applications”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 195106 (2013).

4. Yuanyuan Chen, Gang Song, Jinghua Xiao, Li Yu, and Jiasen Zhang, “Subwavelength polarization beam splitter with controllable splitting ratio based on surface plasmon polaritons”, Opt. Express 21(1), 314-321 (2013).


1. Jiasen Zhang, Weiwei Zhang, Xinli Zhu, Jing Yang, Jun Xu, and Dapeng Yu, “Resonant Slot Nanoantennas for Surface Plasmon Radiation in Optical Frequency Range”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100(24), 241115 (2012).

2. Xu Han, Xiang Ji, Hanqing Wen, and Jiasen Zhang, “H-shaped resonant optical antennas with slot coupling”, Plasmonics 7(1), 7-11 (2012).


1. Hanqing Wen, Jing Yang, Weiwei Zhang, and Jiasen Zhang, “Optical resonant Archimedean spiral antennas”, J. Nanophotonics 5(5), 053523 (2011).

2. Xinli Zhu, Jiasen Zhang, Jun Xu, Heng Li, Xiaosong Wu, Zhimin Liao, Qing Zhao, and Dapeng Yu, “Dispersion Controlling in Plasmonic Open Nanocavities”, ACS Nano 5(8), 6546-6552 (2011).

3. Jiayuan Wang, Chenglong Zhao, and Jiasen Zhang, “Does the leakage radiation profile mirror the intensity profile of surface plasmon polaritons: reply to comment”, Opt. Lett. 36(13), 2517 (2011).

4. Chenglong Zhao and Jiasen Zhang, “Flexible wavefront manipulation of surface plasmon polaritons without mechanical motion components”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98(21), 211108 (2011).

5. Xinli Zhu, Jiasen Zhang, Jun Xu, and Dapeng Yu, “Plasmonic Vertical Resonant Nanocavities”, Nano Letters 11(3), 1117–1121 (2011).

6. Jing Yang, Jiasen Zhang, “Subwavelength Quarter-waveplate Composed of L-shaped Metal Nanoparticles”, Plasmonics 6, 251-254 (2011).


1. Chenglong Zhao and Jiasen Zhang, “Plasmonic Demultiplexer and Guiding”, ACS Nano 4, 6433-6438 (2010).

2. Xinli Zhu, Yang Zhang, Jiasen Zhang, Jun Xu, Yue Ma, Zhiyuan Li and Dapeng Yu, “Ultrafine and Smooth Full Metal Nanostructures for Plasmonics”, Advanced Materials 22(39), 4345-4349 (2010).

3. X. L. Zhu, Y. Ma, J. S. Zhang, J. Xu, X. F. Wu, Y. Zhang, X. B. Han, Q. Fu, Z. M. Liao, L. Chen, and D. P. Yu, “Confined Three-Dimensional Plasmon Modes inside a Ring-Shaped Nanocavity on a Silver Film Imaged by Cathodoluminescence Microscopy”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 127402 (2010).

4. Jiayuan Wang, Chenglong Zhao, and Jiasen Zhang, “Does the leakage radiation profile mirror the intensity profile of surface plasmon polaritons?” Opt. Lett. 35(12), 1944-1946 (2010).

5. Jiayuan Wang, Xiaofei Wu, and Jiasen Zhang, “Imaging properties of Fresnel zone plate-like surface plasmon polariton launching lenses”, Opt. Express 18(7), 6686-6692 (2010).

6. Weiwei Zhang, Chenlong Zhao, Jiayuan Wang, and Jiasen Zhang, “An experimental study of the plasmonic Talbot effect”, Opt. Express 17(22), 19757 (2009).

7. Chenglong Zhao and Jiasen Zhang, “Binary plasmonics: Launching surface plasmons to a desired pattern”, Opt. Lett. 34(16), 2417 (2009).

8. Jing Yang, Jiasen Zhang, Xiaofei Wu, and Qihuang Gong, “Resonant Modes of L-Shaped Gold Nanoparticles”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26, 067802 (2009).

9. Xiaofei Wu, Jiasen Zhang, Zhi Li, Yingliang Liu, and Qihuang Gong, “All-optical modulation with surface plasmon Mach-Zehnder interferometer”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26(5), 057302 (2009).

10. Chenglong Zhao, Jiayuan Wang, Xiaofei Wu, and Jiasen Zhang, “Focusing surface plasmons to multiple focal spots with a launching diffraction grating”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94(11), 111105 (2009).

11. Jiayuan Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Xiaofei Wu, Hao Luo, and Qihuang Gong, “Subwavelength-resolved bidirectional imaging between two and three dimensions using a surface plasmon launching lens”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94(8), 081116 (2009).

12. Xiaofei Wu, Jiasen Zhang, and Qihuang Gong, “Metal-insulator-metal nanorod arrays for subwavelength imaging”, Opt. Express 17(4), 2818-2825 (2009).

13. Xiaofei Wu, Jiasen Zhang, Jianjun Chen, Chenglong Zhao, and Qihuang Gong, “Refractive index sensor based on surface plasmon interference”, Opt. Lett. 34(3), 392-394 (2009).

14. Lisheng Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Xiaofei Wu, Jing Yang, and Qihuang Gong, “Resonances of sandwiched optical antenna”, Opt. Commun. 281(21), 5444-5447 (2008).

15. 陈建军,李智,张家森,龚旗煌,“基于电光聚合物的表面等离激元调制器”,物理学报 57(9): 5893-5898 (2008). Jianjun Chen, Zhi Li, Jiasen Zhang, Qihuang Gong, “Surface plasmon polariton modulator based on electro-optic polymer”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 57(9): 5893-5898 (2008).

16. Yichao Zhu, Jiasen Zhang, and Qihuang Gong, “Signal and reference wave dually encrypted digital holographic system”, Chinese Science Bulletin 53(19), 2935-2939 (2008). 朱一超,张家森,龚旗煌,“物光和参考光双加密的数字全息系统”,科学通报 53(11), 1241-1245 (2008).

17. Tao Yi, Jiasen Zhang, Yichao Zhu, and Qihuang Gong, “Crosstalk noise reduction in shift-multiplexed holographic storage system using multiple point sources”, Chinese Physics Letters 25(8), 2866-2869 (2008).

18. Tao Yi, Jiasen Zhang, Yichao Zhu, and Qihuang Gong, “Holographic shift multiplexing by using rod lens array referencing”, Appl. Phys. B 91(3-4), 591-595 (2008).

19. Yichao Zhu, Jiasen Zhang, and Qihuang Gong, “Triple Encrypted Holographic Storage and Digital Holographic System”, Chinese Physics Letters 25(6), 2037-2040 (2008).

20. Yichao Zhu, Jiasen Zhang, Tao Yi, and Qihuang Gong, “Signal and reference wave dually encrypted holographic memory with shift multiplexing”, Opt. Commun. 281(6), 1450-1454 (2008).

21. Jing Yang, Jiasen Zhang, Xiaofei Wu, and Qihuang Gong, “Electric field enhancing properties of the V-shaped optical resonant antennas”, Opt. Express 15(25), 16852-16859 (2007).

22. Jing Yang, Jiasen Zhang, Zhi Li, and Qihuang Gong, “Fabrication of high-quality probes by pre-treating the fibers before chemical etching”, J. Microscopy 228(Pt1), 40-44 (2007).

23. Zhi Li, Jiasen Zhang, Haifeng Yan, and Qihuang Gong, “Complex modulation in the plasmon-assisted transmission spectra of a two-slit structure”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24(11), 3233-3236 (2007).

24. 颜海峰 杨景 吴晓飞 张家森,“共振光学天线场增强特性的研究,”北京大学学报 43(5), 639-642 (2007).

25. 李智,张家森,杨景,龚旗煌,“飞秒时间分辨近场光学系统实现及其应用,” 物理学报56 (6), 3630-3635 (2007).

26. 李智,张家森,杨景,龚旗煌,“超高时空分辨光谱学,” 中国科学G辑 37 (1), 1-8 (2007) Zhi Li, Jiasen Zhang, Jing Yang, and Qihuang Gong, “Ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolved spectroscopy”, Science in China Series G-Physics and Astronomy 50(6), 681-690 (2007).

27. Yichao Zhu, Jiasen Zhang, and Qihuang Gong, “Encrypted holographic memory using encoded reference wave”, Appl. Opt. 45(34), 8748-8752 (2006).

28. Zhi Li, Jiasen Zhang, Jing Yang, and Qihuang Gong, “Influence of the probe-sample interaction on scanning near-field optical microscopy images in the far field”, Chin. Phys. 15(11), 2558-2563 (2006).

29. Zhi Li, Shufeng Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Qihuang Gong, “Contrast reversal of topography artifacts in a transmission SNOM”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22(9), 2186-2189 (2005).

30. Lifang Yan, Jaseng Zhang, and Qihuang Gong, “Resolution of a photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical converter,” Optoelectronics Letters 1, 78-81 (2005).

31. Jiasen Zhang, Fengming Li, Shufeng Wang, Qihuang Gong, “Femtosecond laser pumped conical emission and seeded ring amplification in BBO crystals”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22(7), 1652-1655 (2005).

32. Tao Yi, Jiasen Zhang, Lifen Yan, and Qihuang Gong, “Shift multiplexing by planar waveguide referencing,” Opt. Lett. 30(17), 2236-2238 (2005).

33. Jiasen Zhang and Tadashi Aruga, “Multiplexed holographic memory by use of fiber bundle referencing,” Opt. Commun. 248(4-6), 431-435 (2005).

34. Tao Yi, Jiasen Zhang, Lifen Yan, Qihuang Gong, “Shift multiplexing in a compact holographic storage system by using planar waveguide referencing,” Proceedings of SPIE - Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Applications, Vol. 5646, 628-635 (2004).

35. Yoshihisa Takayama, Yumi Okazaki, Jiasen Zhang, Tadashi Aruga, and Kashiko Kodate, “Method of hologram multiplexing by use of a fiber bundle with rotary movement,” Appl. Opt. 43, 1331-1336 (2004).

36. Yoshihisa Takayama, Jiasen Zhang, Yumi Okazaki, and Kashiko Kodate, Tadashi Aruga, “Image storage techniques using photorefractive effect,” Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 51(1/2), 119-124 (2004).

37. Yoshihisa Takayama, Jiasen Zhang, Yumi Okazaki, Tadashi Aruga, and Kashiko Kodate, “Compact multiplexing storage using a fiber bundle with rotary movement,” Trends in Optics and Photonics Series - Photorefractive Effects, Materials, and Devices, Vol. 43, 655-659 (2003).

38. Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Compact holographic storage by using a fiber bundle to guide the reference beam,” The Review of Laser Engineering 31, 758-761 (2003).

39. Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Shift multiplexing for holographic storage system using fiber bundle referencing,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 25-27 (2003).

40. Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Optical bistability in a photorefractive self-pumped phase-conjugator,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41, 107-110 (2002).

41. Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Specular reflection enhancement and reduction from the surface of a photorefractive crystal in the presence of a ‘pump’ beam,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 3986-3988 (2001).

42. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Incoherent-to-coherent conversion and image reconstruction for a white-light image,” The Review of Laser Engineering 29, 808-811 (2001).

43. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Photorefractive two-wave mixing in the presence of an incoherent beam,” Appl. Phys. B 70, 243-247 (2000).

44. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “High-resolution photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical converter,” Opt. Commun. 182, 237-241 (2000).

45. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “High-resolution incoherent-to-coherent conversion by use of the photorefractive fanning effect,” Appl. Opt. 38, 995-1000 (1999).

46. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Image transmission through a thick dynamic distorter by use of the photorefractive spatial light modulator,” Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 46, 295-296 (1999).

47. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “One-way image transmission through a thick dynamic distorter without a reference beam,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 630-632 (1998).

48. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Image transmission through a thick dynamic distorter using the photorefractive fanning effect,” Opt. Lett. 23, 585-587 (1998).

49. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Image transmission through a thick dynamic distorter without a reference beam,” Proc. SPIE 3554, 144-148 (1998).

50. Jiasen Zhang, Huitian Wang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Incoherent- to-coherent conversion by use of the photorefractive fanning effect,” Opt. Lett. 22, 1612-1614 (1997).

51. Jiasen Zhang, Hong Gao, S.X. Dou, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Light-induced infrared absorption spectra and properties of impurity-levels in doped photorefractive BaTiO3,” J. Appl. Phys. 82, 5295-5299 (1997).

52. Jiasen Zhang, Hong Gao, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Reduction of fanning influence in two-wave-mixing coefficient measurements in thick crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2174-2176 (1996).

53. Jiasen Zhang, S.X. Dou, Hong Gao, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Theory of plate-formed phase conjugator,” Opt. Commun. 131, 95-101(1996).

54. Jiasen Zhang, S.X. Dou, Hong Gao, Xing Wu, and Peixian Ye, “Temporal characteristics of decay of light-induced absorption in photorefractive BaTiO3 crystals,” Acta Physica Sinica 5, 833-839 (1996).

55. Jiasen Zhang, Hong Gao, S.X. Dou, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Studies of the optical interconnection in photorefractive crystals (in Chinese),” Acta Optica Sinica 16, 1501-1505 (1996).

56. Jiasen Zhang, Hong Gao, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Very high-gain two-beam-coupling in a Rh-doped BaTiO3 using a special pumping arrangement,” Proc. SPIE 2896, 54-57 (1996).

57. Jiasen Zhang, S.X. Dou, Hong Gao, Xing Wu, and Peixian Ye, “Decay of light-induced absorption in barium titanate,” Proc. SPIE 2896, 32-36 (1996).

58. Jiasen Zhang, S.X. Dou, Hong Gao, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Wavelength dependence of two-beam coupling gain coefficients of BaTiO3:Ce crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 458-460 (1995).

59. Jiasen Zhang, S.X. Dou, Hong Gao, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Plate-formed mutually-pumped phase conjugator,” Opt. Lett. 20, 985-987 (1995).

60. Jiasen Zhang, Yingwu Lian, S.X. Dou, and Peixian Ye, “Theory of a stimulated photorefractive backscattering and four-wave mixing self-pumped phase conjugator,” Opt. Commun. 110, 631-636 (1994).

61. Hong Gao, Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Photorefractive low-pass temporal filter,” Opt. Commun. 203, 363-369 (2002).

62. Huitian Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Incoherent-to-coherent conversion in a photorefractive crystal,” Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 46, 287-288 (1999).

63. Huitian Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “A selection equilibrium theory for ‘stimulated photorefractive backscattering and four-wave mixing’ self-pumped phase conjugation,” Appl. Phys. B 66, 207-211 (1998).

64. Huitian Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, Masao Takabe, and Tadashi Aruga, “Diffraction properties of image-bearing beam from a fixed index grating in a photorefractive medium,” Opt. Commun. 156, 188-198 (1998).

65. Huitian Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Fidelity of output images in one-way image transmission through a distorting medium using phase conjugation,” The Review of Laser Engineering 26, 179-181 (1998).

66. Huitian Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Shin Yoshikado, and Tadashi Aruga, “Numeral analysis of diffraction of image-bearing beam from a fixed index grating in photorefractive media,” Proc. SPIE 3554, 186-190 (1998).

67. B. Zou, W. Huang, M. Han, S. Li, X. Wu, Y. Zhang, Jiasen Zhang, P. Wu, and R. Wang, “Anomalous optical properties and electron-phonon coupling enhancement in Fe2O3 nanoparticles coated with a layer of stearates,” J. Phys. & Chem. Solids 58, 1315-1320 (1997).

68. Hong Gao, S.X. Dou, Jiasen Zhang, Yong Zhu, and Peixian Ye, “Power and wavelength dependences of a BaTiO3:Ce self-pumped phase conjugator,” Appl. Phys. B 62, 153-158 (1996).

69. Hong Gao, S.X. Dou, Jiasen Zhang, Peixian Ye, Xuesong Wang, Baowen Zhang, Guangqian He, Yi Cao, “A new photorefractive polymer with fast response,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 13, 837-840 (1996).

70. S. X. Dou, Hong Gao, Jiasen Zhang, Peixian Ye, X. S. Wang, B. W. Zhang, G. Q. He, Y. Cao, H. P. Hong, H. Q. Chen, Z. M. Feng, and C. Ye, “Four-wave mixing and photorefractive properties of two photorefractive polymers,” Proc. SPIE 2896, 2-7 (1996).

71. S. X. Dou, Jiasen Zhang, Maogang Wang, Hong Gao, and Peixian Ye, “Theoretical studies on effects of stimulated photorefractive backscattering in self-pumped phase conjugators,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 12, 1056-1064 (1995).

72. S. X. Dou, Hong Gao, Jiasen Zhang, Yingwu Lian, Huitian. Wang, Yong Zhu, Xing Wu, Changxi Yang and Peixian Ye, “Study on formation mechanism of self-pumped phase conjugation of BaTiO3:Ce at wavelengths from 570 to 680 nm,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B12, 1048-1055 (1995).

73. S. X. Dou, Jiasen Zhang, Peixian Ye, Haiping Hong, and Cheng Ye, “Photoconductivity study of a potential photorefractive polymer,” Acta Physica Sinica 4, 663-669 (1995).

74. Shuoxing Dou, Maogang Wang, Jiasen Zhang, Peixian Ye, Xinliang Lu, Quanzhong Jiang, and Huanchu Chen, “Simulating study on properties of internal self-pumped phase conjugators with external configurations,” Acta Physica Sinica 4, 329-336 (1995).

75. Yueli Zhang, Xiangshou Xie, Dang Mo, S.X. Dou, Yingwu Lian, Jiasen Zhang, and Peixian Ye, “Crystal growth and high-reflectivity self-pumped phase conjugation of (Cu, Ce)-doped KNSBN crystals,” Chinese Science Bulletin 40, 295-299 (1995).

76. Yingwu Lian, S.X. Dou, Jiasen Zhang, Hong Gao, Yong Zhu, Xing Wu, Changxi Yang and Peixian Ye, “Variation of mechanism transition wavelength of self-pumped phase conjugation with Ce-content in BaTiO3:Ce crystals,” Opt. Commun. 110, 192-196 (1994).

77. Yiqun Lu, Yuchun Zhang, Jiasen Zhang, and Minguang Gao, “The characters of Cs atomic resonance filter (in Chinese),” Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 10, 152-158 (1993).

78. Yiqun Lu, Jin Chen, Jiasen Zhang, Yuchun Zhang, and Xia Wang, “The calculation of the potential energy curve and the new emission band of Ar*O excimer molecule (in Chinese),” Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 8, 426-430 (1991).